Player Profile 2022 #2

Player Profile 2022 #1
March 2, 2022
Player Profile #3 – Rebecca Moore
April 13, 2022

Player Profile 2022 #2

“My name is Cillian Hennessy, I am 19 years old, and I have been a member of UYO since 2019.

The past three courses have been an absolute blast and I absolutely can’t wait to see everyone again this Summer!
The first time I auditioned, I remember being really nervous. Preparing excerpts for an audition was new to me so getting them ready in time was a challenge. I was worried in the warmup room about how it would go and whether or not I would panic but that all faded when I entered the audition room. I remember the panel being really kind and patient and their encouraging smiles helped a lot with my nerves.
My first year in UYO gave me so many great memories. My very first experience playing with UYO members was the Play-In Day. Going to the Play-In Day was a great introduction to some of the UYO staff members but also a lovely introduction to some of the people who I would be seeing again on the summer course. Talking to people during the breaks helped me to start making friends ahead of the course and was a great way to start connecting with everyone and getting a feel for being in the UYO while playing some really lovely music.
That same year, I also took part in a contemporary music workshop with the Hard Rain Soloist Ensemble, as well as the Stringtime Workshops project. Working on contemporary music was a pretty new experience to me and one I definitely really enjoyed. I will once again be attending that workshop this year and I’m very excited to once again work on some contemporary music which I may not be familiar with. The Stringtime Workshops were a fun project I signed up for in my first year in UYO in which a few string players came together in quartets to play music in an interactive workshop at an Older People North West day-care centre in Derry. Playing in a quartet with other UYO members was really fun and the workshop itself was a cool experience I would absolutely do again if given the chance.
Over the past three years we have played so much amazing rep, from Hindemith Symphonic Metamorphoses to Sibelius Symphony no. 1. My personally favourite piece we’ve played was Tchaik 6. It was such a moving piece with some really awesome cello moments! The conductor we had for that year was a standout to me as well. I vividly remember our first run through of the concert programme with Rumon Gamba and the immense energy with which he conducted us. After that run through I was both absolutely shattered while also teeming with excitement for the actual concert!
UYO has been an incredible part of my life since I joined. Each year I look forward to re-auditioning and to seeing familiar faces once again, while also welcoming any new ones. I’ve made so many great friends through UYO and had so many great musical experiences. To anyone thinking of applying, I would say absolutely go for it! There’s just so much to look forward to and so many memories to be made. And in the case of anyone just joining for the first time this year, make the most of it! Go to all the evening activities and have fun. You’ll meet loads of really cool people while having a blast taking part in whatever entertainment the staff have come up with.”

Cillian (right) with participants from the Stringtime Project and Frank from Older People North West, pictured at The Guildhall in 2019

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